
Graham Marmion


Graham Marmion


"What makes the Institute for Energy Studies stand out is how committed the people involved are to insuring that the students succeed in the energy industry."


Economics; Energy Policy Minor

Graduating Class



Thanks to the Energy Policy Minor and the faculty of the the Institute for Energy Studies, I was hired as a Regulatory Analyst by one of the Institute’s founding benefactors before I even graduated Western. Now, I get to investigate the costs involved in providing energy and actually have a tangible effect on ensuring fair prices.

What makes the Institute for Energy Studies stand out is how committed the people involved are to ensuring that the students succeed in the energy industry. I came into the program fascinated with Regulatory economics but completely unsure of what career path I should follow. That is until Professor Phil Thompson coached me through the energy industry and helped me make the decision to pursue economics with a minor in energy policy. This program brings students into the real world of energy by working closely with the industry and integrating them into its classes.

The faculty of the Institute for Energy Studies really care about turning students into industry leaders and provide countless opportunities for internships both locally and across the US. For example, by bringing in guest speakers to classrooms the Energy Institute gave me the chance to connect with a prominent local organization in community energy efficiency. This connection afforded me a rewarding research internship, the results of which have supported energy efficiency advocacy in the state and even garnered the attention of the EPA. I owe my career to the support of the Energy Institute, and I wholly recommend it to anyone else interested in the energy industry.

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