
Lindsay Parpart


Lindsay Parpart


"In January of 2015, I was asked by Dr. Tom Webler to collaboratively create a mentoring network for women students pursuing energy studies with women professionals in the energy industry. The Women in Energy (Mentoring) Network was designed to provide knowledge sharing, mentoring, and networking opportunities for women students."


Energy Policy Minor

Graduating Class



I came to Western Washington University to join the College of the Environment and found the Economics / Environmental Studies major. My major required that I take Energy Economics, taught by Dr. Phil Thompson. Between the enthusiasm exuded by my peers enrolled in the Energy Policy minor and Thompson’s class, I chose to also pursue the minor.

The summer between my Junior and Senior year, I was the Energy Intern at Trane, a partner and donor to the Institute for Energy Studies. I had taken all but one class required for the minor and was enthusiastic to apply my knowledge of energy markets, systems, and policy to the internship.

In January of 2015, I was asked by Dr. Tom Webler to collaboratively create a mentoring network for women students pursuing energy studies with women professionals in the energy industry. The Women in Energy (Mentoring) Network was designed to provide knowledge sharing, mentoring, and networking opportunities for women students, a service absent in the energy studies curriculum. The Network was embraced by students and local industry professionals, and is expected to expand as the IES attracts new students. 

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