Class of 2017: Aden Nevler
"We tackle the realities of economics, politics, science and culture on a daily basis and from that has emerged a clear picture of what powers this world and the consequences of our system."
Graduating Class
The Energy Policy Major has been the most powerful synthesis of knowledge I ever encountered. We tackle the realities of economics, politics, science and culture on a daily basis and from that has emerged a clear picture of what powers this world and the consequences of our system. Through the Energy Institute I have attended the first ever Western Washington Energy Symposium (The Future of Northwest Leadership in Electric Energy). The Energy Institute brought together leaders from around the state and those at the forefront of electrical systems and their regulation and presented not only an informative debate for students and staff alike, but also a powerful synopsis of the state of electrical power in the Northwest region.
I have had the honor and pleasure of learning from the Director of the Institute Joel Swisher, as well as professors Phil Thompson, Tom Webler and Charlie Barnhart through coursework in the institute. Each offers unique perspective on energy and as a team they build a sold foundation for all students entering the department.
I am thankful to have had the opportunity to study the ins and outs of energy through this unique program. It has lead me all the way to Washington DC, where this summer I interned at SmartPower, a clean energy marking firm. Smartpower for the last decade has built national campaigns to encourage energy efficiency and promote adoption of solar power and with their instruction I saw just how clean energy is changing the structure of our nation.