
Stella Tsitsiragos


Stella Tsitsiragos


"The Energy Policy and Management interdisciplinary curriculum has provided me with an expansive understanding of energy and its deep-rooted connection to all aspects of life. I have developed a comprehensive view of energy as it relates to economics, policy, technology, and society."


BA Energy Policy and Management; minors in Economics and Geology

Graduating Class



The Energy Policy and Management interdisciplinary curriculum has provided me with an expansive understanding of energy and its deep-rooted connection to all aspects of life. I have developed a comprehensive view of energy as it relates to economics, policy, technology, and society. The faculty and students in the program are truly passionate about learning, creating an environment filled with innovative ideas and opportunities. Through the Institute for Energy Studies, I have had the opportunity to attend numerous conferences which continually broaden my knowledge base and develop my network of connections. On campus, I facilitate a mentoring network called Women in Energy Mentoring Network. Our objective is to connect female students interested in energy studies with professional women in the energy field to provide students with the tools they need to successfully enter the energy industry. In addition to the connections made through the network and IES, I recently spent the summer studying abroad in Iceland. The rigorous coursework explored topics covering resource economics, renewable energy technology, and sustainability. Coupled with field-based research experience, the curriculum expanded my global perspective of energy. Upon graduating in December, I plan to continue my education at the graduate level to build on the foundation provided by the Institute for Energy Studies. 

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