
Andrew Westenbroek


Andrew Westenbroek


"Even though much of what I am learning about and attempting to impact can often be discouraging, presenting me with hard hitting facts, and immense obstacles that need to be overcome, it is the hopeful optimism and big-picture thinking of professors, the willingness of peers to understand and engage with challenges, and the foundational goals of the Institute that reassure me I have found my home at Western."


BS in Energy Science and Technology; minors in Energy Policy & Economics

Graduating Class



In just two short years the Institute for Energy Studies has provided me with more than I ever imagined. It has given me the chance to learn from and work with immensely intelligent professors and industry professionals, engage with peers who share a vested interest in changing the world for the better, become part of an impactful and expanding community at Western, learn about myself, and become more curious about the world, all while being guided by an amazingly kind and caring adviser.

Even though much of what I am learning about and attempting to impact can often be discouraging, presenting me with hard hitting facts, and immense obstacles that need to be overcome, it is the hopeful optimism and big-picture thinking of professors, the willingness of peers to understand and engage with challenges, and the foundational goals of the Institute that reassure me I have found my home at Western.

I began my time in the Institute for Energy Studies pursuing the B.A. in Energy Policy & Management but will now have the exciting endeavor of being part of the first round of graduates with the newly created B.S. in Energy Science & Technology. Along with this I will be graduating with minors in Energy Policy and Economics. I currently work in the Associated Students Publicity Center helping to bring campus news and event information to the Western community. During the 2019-2020 academic year I will have the wonderful opportunity of working alongside Western facilities staff and professors to identify and implement energy efficiency upgrades on campus.

Student clubs and organizations have provided me with spaces to further engage with fellow students, learn more, and become involved with projects. For the past two years I have been a member of Students for Renewable Energy and the Institute for Energy Studies’ Energy Union. I have had an officer role in the Energy Union for the past year as a Student Ambassador and will get to continue this as President in 2019-2020.

As I prepare to enter my Senior year and graduate in the Spring of 2020, I am excited to see what awaits me in coursework, extracurricular engagement, and post-graduation.

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