Terry has a fair complexion, is wearing glasses, and has a grey beard.


Retired Chief Technology Innovation Officer

Board Member Since


Terry Oliver has worked globally to advance sustainable energy and re-engage the electric utility industry in critically important research and development. He worked for BPA between 1981 and 2017. Terry led the world’s largest residential conservation program and ground-breaking research in community-based conservation, designed the first Demand-Side Management programs ever undertaken by a developing country, created linkages between sustainable energy, jobs, and the local and global environment with non-government organizations throughout Asia, South Africa, and the Middle East.

Terry was Bonneville Power Administration’s first Chief Technology Innovation Officer, responsible for re-energizing, focusing, and managing BPA’s research and development activities. As CTIO, Terry grew BPA’s investment in research and development, transformed BPA’s the executive and staff engagement defining and managing a research portfolio, and led the creation of technology roadmaps to articulate BPA’s research agenda.

Terry has been a member of the GridWise Alliance Board of Directors, a member of the Industry Advisory Committee for OregonTech's Renewable Energy Engineering program, an advisor to Portland State University's Engineering & Technology Management department and to the Carnegie Mellon University Electricity Industry Center and a former member of the Electric Power Research Institute Board.

Terry was honored in July 2013 by being named a Fellow at the Portland International Center for the Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) for his contributions to the development and growth of the Engineering and Technology Management discipline, and in March 2014 with BPA's highest award the Meritorious Service Award.

Today Terry volunteers with the non-profits Grid Forward and is an Advisory Board member with the Institute for Energy Studies at Western Washington State University. As the owner of TVOGLOBAL LLC he is a photographer and undertakes consulting assignments.

Specialties: Research & Development, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Energy, International Energy Policy
